Project background
The proportion of renewable energy generation of
carbon-neutral premium ‘Jeju’ : About 19% on average (2022)
Based on CFI 2030 experience and region-based green new deal competency,
Jeju is the mecca of global new renewable energy for carbon neutrality.
Wind power (onshore & offshore) 2,345 MW (‘30) |
Solar power 1,411 MW (‘30) |
Bio & fuel cell 279 MW (‘30) |
Marine energy & others 50 MW (‘30) |
Activation of distribution energy led by the region (the designated special distribution energy zone)·
Carbon-neutral green city· Energy management· Free electric power transactions
capable of leading the region-led carbon neutral process transition
Curtailment of renewable energy
14 times in 2017, 77 times in 202, 132 times in 2022
(cumulative damage by 2040: 3.3 trillion won estimated)
High-capacity and long-duration
energy storage system using
seawater that ensures stable supply
and is safe for fire
Seawater based resistance for the risk of fire
(safe ESS implementation)
(LCOS < 0.2 USD/kWh)
High-capacity and long-duration
energy storage system using
seawater that ensures stable supply and is safe for fire
High Capacity
High-capacity (GWh) energy storage in the way of storing energy directly in seawater
Eco-friendliness (sustainability)
No production and emission of pollutants in the course of energy storage and generation
제주시 구좌읍 해맞이해안로 200 한국에너지기술연구원 제주글로벌연구센터 | 사업자등록번호 : 314-82-02242 | 전화 : 064-800-2340 | 이메일 :
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