Project background

The proportion of renewable energy generation of

carbon-neutral premium ‘Jeju’ : About 19% on average (2022)

Based on CFI 2030 experience and region-based green new deal competency,

Jeju is the mecca of global new renewable energy for carbon neutrality. 

Wind power

(onshore & offshore)

2,345 MW (‘30)

Solar power

1,411 MW (‘30)

Bio & fuel cell

279 MW (‘30)

Marine energy

& others

50 MW (‘30)

Activation of distribution energy led by the region (the designated special distribution energy zone)·

Carbon-neutral green city· Energy management· Free electric power transactions

The carbon-neutral premium ‘Jeju’

capable of leading the region-led carbon neutral process transition

Curtailment of renewable energy

14 times in 2017, 77 times in 202, 132 times in 2022

(cumulative damage by 2040: 3.3 trillion won estimated)

Energy Storage Keywords  #Safe #HighCapacity #Economic #Eco-friendly

High-capacity and long-duration

energy storage system using

seawater that ensures stable supply

and is safe for fire



Seawater based resistance for the risk of fire

(safe ESS implementation)



Economic energy storage directly using seawater

(LCOS < 0.2 USD/kWh)

High Capacity


High-capacity (GWh) energy storage in the way of storing energy directly in seawater

Eco-friendliness (sustainability)


No production and emission of pollutants in the course of energy storage and generation

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